Search Record
M&T Ranch Irrigation and Wetland Diversion
Background:1.75-mm Slot Size Brush-cleaned Cone Screen and Airburst Screen Replacement Project
Little Shasta River Cone Screen
Background:1.75-mm Slot Size Little Shasta River Irrigation Diversion Brush-cleaned Cone Screen
Red Bluff Diversion Dam
Background:1.75-mm Slot Size Large Capacity Brush Cleaned Cone Screen Emergency Pumping Plant
Icicle Creek Municipal Intake
Background:1.75-mm Slot Size City of Leavenworth Municipal Intake on Icicle Creek
Erger’s Pond
Background:6.35-mm Slot Size 316L Stainless Steel Cone Screens at Erger’s Pond Municipal Intake
Cullinan Ranch Diversion
Background:1.75-mm Slot Size, Solar Powered, Brush-cleaned ConeScreen on an Estuarine Tidal Marsh
Bear Gulch
Background:1.75-mm Slot Size Brush-cleaned Conical Screen Retrofit at Existing Diversion Dam
Melhase Irrigation Diversion
Background:1.75-mm Slot Size, Solar Powered, Brush-cleaned Cone Screen at an Irrigation Diversion